Kiss my Turku Award (at the Finfringe festival) for the performance Sense of Hope, co-created with Carl Knif Company
The Thalia Prize for the performance In the Great Landscape - A Fairytale family chronicle, co-created with Svenska Teatern, Resonaarigroup and Wegelius Kammarstråkar
The Stina Krooks Prize
The Duodecim Art Award
Boisman Foundation Playwright Award for the play In the Great Landscape - A Fairytale family chronicle
The Antonia Prize for the performance In the Great Landscape - A Fairytale family chronicle, co-created co-created with Svenska Teatern, Resonaarigroup and Wegelius Kammarstråkar
The Bojan Sonntag Prize
Vimma Honourable mention by The Threshold Association's (Kynnys RY) for the performance I det stora landskapet, co-created with Svenska Teatern, Resonaarigroup and Wegelius Kammarstråkar.
Finnish State Prize for Theatre
The Nyland Region’s Prize
The Thalia Prize for the performance The Burning Wolf, co-created with Klockriketeatern
The Antonia Prize for the performance The Burning Wolf, co-created with Klockriketeatern
The Stina Krooks Prize for Outstanding Contribution to Theatre